COVID-19 related questions

What steps have we taken to minimise the spread of Coronavirus at our setting?

The answers to the challenges posed by coronavirus are already embedded in outdoor settings.

Outside space allows for social distancing to happen more naturally.  Infection control is easier outdoors.

We don't use toys other than those we make from natural resources, which means fewer surfaces where the virus can be passed on. We ensure that all tools are wiped with alcohol solution between use.

We have rolling snacks and lunches to avoid children clustering together, and hand-washing with soap and water every hour for a minimum of 20 seconds.

For more info please see our Policies & Procedures

How will staff work with children? 

Staff are permitted to work closely with children. Staff will be mindful of the social distancing rules. Staff will encourage and guide the children to keep social distancing measures in place. 

Where a child needs First Aid, comforting or assistance with toileting then we will not be able to maintain social distancing. We have added a new permission statement on FAMLY, which you will need to consent to if your child is returning to our setting during these times, agreeing to allow members of staff to have contact with your child when necessary and when providing intimate care. 

How will social distancing be put in place? 

With this age group social distancing will be difficult to enforce, but we will endeavour to remind children of social distancing and we will encourage activities, which will allow this. 

What will the learning look like? 

Forest School is child led and this will continue to be the case. We will resume the Early Years curriculum (EYFS) and ensure we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum. Our priority during this time is to keep children safe, happy and well cared for, and our focus will be on ensuring their wellbeing and emotional needs are met. We will be carrying out the EY curriculum but may need to change some of the activities we do (eg replace pens with natural resources for mark-making eg use chalk/ charcoal etc make natural paint brushes using sticks and pine needles). 

How will resources be used?

Careful consideration will have to be given to which resources are used, and how they will be thoroughly cleaned and shared.  We will also be encouraging play with natural resources. We will encourage story telling without books and with the use of natural props. Books and other materials such as mud kitchen can be shared and will be cleaned frequently or rotated to allow them to be left unused and out of reach for 48 hours (72 hours for plastic eg sand clock). 

How do we manage children and parents and carers coming in and out of Forest School?

The principles of ‘staying safe’ to reduce transmission must be adhered to, so only one parent will be permitted to drop their child off at school, and this will be at an allocated time to ensure that there is not over-crowding. 

Where possible, parents should not come through the gate. Please encourage your child to walk through the gate themselves. Parents must not gather to talk with friends at the gate. Parents must adhere to the strict timings set out for their child’s group - the start and finish time may be earlier or later than normal.

How will we provide daily feedback to parents / carers?

We will not be able to provide feedback to parents at the gate on pick up. If we need to communicate any important feedback we will do this via FAMLY. If you have any questions about your child’s day, please use FAMLY and direct all questions to your child’s key person. If you need to tell us something about your child on drop off, please also use FAMLY where possible.

What if my child needs re-settling?

We know that many children may need resettling as they have been away for such a long period of time. If you think your child will need a lot of support resettling we kindly ask you to consider a staggered/delayed start date.

How will you manage snack and lunch time? 

If the grass is too wet to sit on, we will need to ensure there is enough space around the log circle so will need to carry out two sittings for snack time and lunch time. 

Will staff use PPE?  Ie. Face masks, gloves and aprons?

PPE is only needed in a small number of cases: 

Staff will need to use PPE when: 

  1. providing intimate care 

  2. preparing food

  3. In addition, eye protection to be worn when supporting children who spit uncontrollably or use saliva as a sensory stimulant; or a child vomiting

How will we support the well-being and mental health of children?

The children’s well-being is of paramount importance to us and will be our focus on returning. We will be listening to any concerns children have and spend time talking to them about the reason for any changes made to their routine so they understand why we have to implement changes to how we operate. We will in particular focus on their Personal, Social and Emotional Development and invite you to look at our Well-being policies. 

How will we re-establishing routines/expectations?

We will need to be mindful of the change of routine. Children have had very different experiences and expectations at home for a long period of time and may find the adjustment difficult.

Should you tell us about a bereavement?

We know that some children’s families may have suffered bereavement.  Where parents indicate the need for support we will try our best to provide it or point you in the direction of support available in the borough. It would be helpful to us if you could let us know if there has been a bereavement so we can support your child as best possible. 

What if my child needs medication?

Please let us know if your child will need any medication whilst at our setting so we can plan accordingly and ensure this is administered safely. Government guidelines recommend that when possible medication should be administered by parent/carer outside of setting. If medication needs to be administered whilst your child is at our setting, the medication will be handled by only one member of staff, the container will be sanitized upon arrival and before being returned to parent, appropriate PPE will be worn whilst the medication is administered, and there will be thorough hand-washing before and after administration. All medication will need to be prescribed with the name of the child and the dosage. Parent/carer will need to complete our Medical Health Plan.

What happens if my child or adult becomes ill whilst at home?

If symptoms develop at home, adults or children cannot come into the nursery. They will need to self-isolate for 10 days and will need to request a COVID-19 test. Test results must be shared with the nursery before a child or staff member can return. Where someone living in the same household as the child or staff member has been tested, we will ask to see the test result before the child or staff member can return to the nursery.

What happens if a child or adult becomes ill?

If a child displays any symptoms of Covid 19, they will be sent home immediately.  Should a child or staff member tests positive, the rest of the group within the childcare setting will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days.  

Please see Forest Grove Hackney Covid-19 Risk Assessment for further details.

What happens if we experience inclement weather?

As you know, we never normally cancel a Forest School session due to inclement weather, as we would take the children to the Curve Gardens/ library/ exhibition or other indoor setting. As we cannot use any indoor setting as a back up, should we not be able to stay on site (either due to high winds or thunder storms) and it is unsafe to be outdoors, we will have to cancel the session. Please ensure you check FAMLY every morning, as we will notify you here in the event that we will have to cancel.

What can my child bring to Forest school?

Please ensure your child brings a labeled water bottle as well as their own packed lunch. If your child arrives with an unmarked water bottle, we reserve the right to use a permanent marker to write their name clearly on it. 

Do we pack spare clothing?

During this period, we kindly ask you to provide sufficient spare clothing clearly labeled for your child in their backpacks. If we are unable to provide any spare clothing you will be called and asked to collect your child. 

Can we leave bikes and/or scooters?

If you are able to take bikes/ scooters home, we kindly ask you to do so. If you are leaving your child’s bike or scooter with us, staff will need to ensure that they are wearing a glove before passing them any equipment for storage. 

Can my child bring any toys?

Children should not bring items/ toys from home to the setting. 

How often will we clean and what products will we use? 

In order to minimise the risk and spread of the virus at the nursery all surfaces will be deep cleaned daily using anti-bac spray. Toilets to be cleaned after each use using anti-bac spray. All children, staff should wash hands on arrival for 20 seconds. Hourly hand-washing and good hygiene practices. 

Will you be operating Testing and Tracing?

Staff with Covid-19 symptoms are required to and will be eligible for testing.  Staff and essential workers will have priory access to testing.

Children eligible to attend and members of their households will have access to testing only if they display symptoms of coronavirus. 

All children can be tested, including children under 5, but will need to be helped by their parent/carer if they are using a home testing kit.

Tests can be booked online through NHS testing and tracing for Coronavirus:

Management to provide details of mobile testing centres on request.

Will staff be commuting to work? 

We have been asked by some parents as to whether staff will have to commute to work using public transport.  Not all our staff live locally and some will need to use public transport to get to work. Staff using public transport will wear PPE to help protect them and others. At Forest Grove Hackney we support the bike-to-work scheme.  Most of our staff either cycle or walk to work.

Why do you charge a fee due to a Covid-19 closure?

Sadly, no insurance providers will pay for a further closure due to Covid-19. This means that if the setting is forced to close due to Covid-19 we will need to charge a day rate of £30 per day. If you are receiving the 15 hour funding at Forest Grove Hackney, the funding will cover this fee (so this will not affect you).  

Where can I find your General COVID-19 Risk Assessment?

Please ensure you have read our Covid-19 Risk Assessment. This will be updated regularly in accordance with any changes made to government guidelines.


Where is Forest Grove Hackney based?

In South Millfields Park, Hackney E5 0AR (see map on our homepage).

We meet in the enclosed area, next to the basketball court. We set up base camp each day on site unless we plan to roam. This includes a seating area on logs under tarpaulin within the trees to provide cover from the elements. We have our own outdoor toilet facilities for the children.

How do I get there? Can I park?

Parking is available on Chatsworth Road. Bus routes nearby are 242, 55, 56, 48, 38. Our site is accessed either via Hillstowe Street or the park entrance on Chatsworth Rd, opposite Millfields cafe. Nearest train stations are either Clapton or Homerton stations. 

Can I visit the Forest Grove Hackney?

Due to the current climate we are limiting visits to when children are not on site. We will soon be providing a virtual visit of our site to show you round. 

It’s not a requirement that you visit our setting prior to joining the waiting. We announce site tours when they become available.

To Register Interest for a site visit email:

What is the Forest Grove Hackney emergency contact number?

Should you be running late or need to collect early, please ensure you have our mobile phone number +447984 116029

Please note that this mobile is carried by the Forest School Leader. Our Forest School Leader is responsible for your child’s safety and welfare and therefore cannot answer any admin questions. Please refer any admin questions to

What can/can't I bring?


Children must provide their own wellies, waterproof trousers and jacket.

On hot sunny days they should also have a sun hat.

We prefer long sleeved tops and trousers to help protect from sun, brambles and mosquitoes and tree climbing!.

Shoes/wellies/ walking boots: shoes should be closed shoes and waterproof. No sandals please. 

Please bring a complete change of clothes, preferably old clothing. 

Packed Lunch: All children must also bring a healthy packed lunch (no chocolate, crisps, biscuits or fruit juices/ squashes) in a back pack they can carry as we may roam.

Please do not bring any toys.

What snacks do we provide?

Forest Grove Hackney provides vegan healthy snacks and drinks. All children must bring a healthy packed lunch and water bottle. Please note we are a nut free holiday club. If you have specific dietary requirements please get in touch as we can cater for these.

What happens when it rains?

We get our waterproofs on and jump in muddy puddles or seek shelter under our tarps and tents.

What about severe bad weather?

In severe bad weather e.g. high winds and/or thunder storms or other unforeseen circumstances we may have to cancel a session.  

As you know, we never normally cancel a Forest School session due to inclement weather, as we would take the children to the Curve Gardens/ library/ exhibition or other indoor setting. As we cannot use any indoor setting as a back up, should we not be able to stay on site (either due to high winds or thunder storms) and it is unsafe to be outdoors, we will have to cancel the session. 

In such cases, Forest Grove Hackney will inform those attending via FAMLY as soon as possible.  

Do you charge a fee should a session be cancelled due to severe bad weather/ Covid?

Yes, there is a fee of £30 per day per child for any closure due to Covid-19 and/or inclement weather. This is due to Insurance Providers not covering Nurseries in the event of a further closure. If you are receiving the 15 hour funding, the funding covers this fee (in which case you will not be charged any additional amount).  

What services do you offer? 

  • Forest Grove Kindergarten for 3 to 5 year olds

  • Forest Grove Nature Club for 2 year olds

  • Forest Grove Holiday Club for 5 to 8 year olds (unless a member of the Kindergarten)

  • Forest Grove After School Club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

What we offer

Do you offer Governement Funding?

Yes, we offer the 15 hour Funding.

How can I contact Forest Grove Hackney with any further questions